Was it wildly innappropriate that during a memorial service for our friend Bonita Bush today I couldn't get a Grateful Dead song out of my head? You see, Bonita was famed for her exquisite musicianship. Her ability to communicate her love of music served the Maryland State Arts Council well. So, while a soaring Bach cantata filled the sanctuary, was it sacriligious of me to be singing to myself "well the first days are the hardest days, don't you worry any more..." and "anybody's choice, I can hear your voice, what I want to know is how does the song go." I suspect Bonita didn't mind.
Another thing that was on my mind was what a close family we arts administrators can be. Several of us from around the state of Maryland were in that church in Baltimore today, and it was clear that we share a strong bond. The common characteristic is that we don't accept the perception that community arts development is dull drudgery, but rather take it on willingly so that our painters and potters and musicians and actors and writers can soar, like that Bach cantata. No one did a better job of helping me understand what an arts council is all about than Bonita Bush. No one believed in the power of art more fiercely. She packed quite a wallop for a little lady who was almost five feet tall. And I reckon that's why she might appreciate a little Grateful Dead in her honor.
Go with God, Bonita. See you 'round.
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