Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Art = Work = Dollars. It's a good thing.

The Maryland State Arts Council reports that there were 13,762 full-time arts-related jobs in Maryland last year. Out here in Western Maryland, that there was the equivelant of 508 full-time arts jobs, with an impact of $37 million in Washington, Allegany and Garrett counties. That’s calculated by salaries which are then spent and then spent some more. Otherwise, you’d conclude that the average salary is about $72k, which would indicate that I’ve chosen the wrong arts-related job. Actually, the average is probably more like $25k, which then gets spent at Martin's Foods and the mortgage company and the gas station, and in turn gets spent with the electric company and WJEJ's advertising department and Younger Toyota. See how it works?

Once in a while I’ll show you how glamorous these jobs can be, and introduce you to the arts workers around Washington County. Here’s Terri working the box office at the Maryland Theatre in downtown Hagerstown. She has the patience of a saint. You can't see her face because she is always on the phone with ticket customers. Embiggen for the sheer elegance of it all . (Meaning, click on the photo and it gets bigger. And more elegant.)

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